Wednesday 15 October 2014

The Inbetweeners

In the tv show the Inbetweeners the main characters are all male. I feel that the Inbetweeners show the male gender in a negative light. I think this because the characters sexualise women and can be quite disrespectful at times. Also it suggest that many boys don't care about school work which is not always the case. The Inbetweeners generalises the male population when many males are not like this.Also the character Will is represented as quite nerdy and annoying to teachers and other students so they tend to pick on him and bully him. This could suggest that boys that enjoy school do not fit in with the rest of the male generation and therefor they will be bullied. The producer has done this as it is very comical to watch people like the characters in the Inbetweeners. Also some of the statements they come out with are quite shocking and that it entertaining to watch.
The Inbetweeners set a strong representation of the male population but also some of the female characters are represented in a negative light. The female characters are shown as being quite mean and bitchy which is not the way that all girls are.
Teenagers are most likely to watch this as they can relate to the fact that they are at school and although some of the problems they face may be exaggerated some young people can relate to them. another thing is the characters are similar to some people in real life so people could relate to them if they know some like that.

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