Tuesday 7 October 2014


Vogue is targeted at B and A class, i can tell this because Cara Delevigne is dressed in a gold dress with a crown on this has connotations of royalty so it would be aimed at higher class women. Also the colour gold has connotations of  sophistication so vogue targets a sophisticated audience. Also care is wearing drench coat which is bushiness attire so it suggest that vogue also targets working women. The mast head is behind the image which shows that Vogue is a well known brand as people will know the name even though you can't see the whole thing. The target age 20 to around 40 as that cars is 22 and people that age would aspire to be like her and look like her. Also she is very relevant in the media at the moment so it shows that Vogue is very up to date with the trends. Another reason why i think that is the target audience is because it mentions brands like Tom Ford which i very expensive and anyone younger than 20 is unlikely to be able to afford designer things. The white background suggests that the magazine is dry clean and crisp. Also the layout is very neat and there is not many puffs. This also suggest sophistication as everything is well laid out and thought about like the way many sophisticated women are. The fact that there aren't many puffs shows that Vogue is very well known as it doesn't need many cover lines to draw people in. They rely more on how well known the brand is. The contused for the mast head is the same for every addition this is so that it is recognisable to everyone. The font used for cara's delevigne name is and e to look like her signature this gives the sense that cars approves of Vogue which would make people think that celebrities like her read it so they should too. The rest of the font for the puffs are all very plain, simple and sophisticated. 

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